Social Media Presence

Do You Have a Social Media Presence?

Social media networks are the ultimate way to boost traffic to your website and brand your company online. With the right social media platforms and relevant knowledge, your website’s organic traffic will increase considerably.
Social Media Presence, Mink Media

Social media marketing is one of the most powerful tools used for businesses, small or big, to reach their customers and prospects all over the world.

It involves producing and sharing information on a range of social media platforms in order to achieve companies marketing goals. These activities can be accomplished by posting images and text updates on Facebook and Instagram or uploading engaging videos on YouTube. Paid social media marketing is frequently used in today’s society to drive audience engagement to your website.

Social Media’s Influence on SEO

The big question is, does social media have an impact on SEO? The answer isn’t as simple as you think it is. According to Google social signals have NO impact on SEO rankings, however, social signals including likes and shares have proven to impact the ranking of a website. On average, websites with higher rankings displayed a greater social media presence than those who had no social media accounts. This happens because readers often want to learn more about a company and to do this they will most likely go to the company’s social accounts. This is because readers are more likely to feel a personal connection when they are on a social media profile. Social media profiles not only allow visitors to learn about your company quickly but it reassures Google that you are who you say you are, and if your site receives authority from Google then you’re more likely to rank higher.

How to Boost Your Social Media Presence

Writing Content

This is one of the most important aspects of SEO that can be utilized through social media. Providing engaging content will not only engage readers but it will also be in the best interest for search engines such as Google who love fresh content. Don’t forget to incorporate your relevant keywords into your page and headings.


Using images are a great way to convey your business through social platforms. Many people will search for specific terms and look straight at images for a visual cue. It’s important to use appropriate hyphen separated keywords in your file name and use alt text, caption and descriptions for your images, as Google will need to index them.

Back Linking

If your site encompasses in-depth quality content then there are more chances that someone will read it and write their own content on the topic while citing your work with appropriate links. Or someone may find your content interesting and share it on Facebook with their friends. It’s not just about how many shares or likes you receive, but what other content creators do with your information.

Mobile Friendly

The use of mobile searches has taken over desktop searches, meaning your website should definitely be mobile friendly if you want Google to rank you high for your keyword on mobile devices.

Targeting The Right Audience

When utilising social media to increase your businesses online presence, it is important that you are taking the right steps towards targeting the right audience. You want to ensure your efforts are put towards increasing enquiries. That's why

Using The Right Platform

When stepping into the world of social media, you must be aware of each social media platform thoroughly. Our team at Mink Media know each platform inside out. We can assist you in selecting the right platform for your business goals.

Types of

Social Media Sites

social media presence is one of the best ways to support SEO efforts without directly impacting rankings. There are a variety of ways to execute a social media marketing campaign, so we’ve gone ahead and highlighted the most common types of social media platforms used to boost your social media presence.


LinkedIn allows you to reach your ideal customers on the worlds best networking platform. LinkedIn advertising helps any business reach their goals, no matter what size your business is, we can tailor LinkedIn ads to align with your business goals. We have the ability to uniquely target an audience, with more than 675 million users, we can target users through job profession, age, and industry. All content through LinkedIn advertising can be boosted on mobile, desktop and tablet versions. Deliver your ads through direct messaging, which is where many users spend their time. LinkedIn is a great way to reach users within a specific industry.


One of the more obvious social media platforms and for good reason. More than 2 billion searches are performed on Facebook every day, this shows the huge opportunity Facebook offers to positively impact your websites SEO. Links on Facebook are often considered more reliable due to the web authority social sites have. No matter how new or old your Facebook page is, it’s more likely to rank higher with Facebook’s authority.


The consistently growing platform Instagram is the ideal way for your business to build engagement, rapport and influence your auence. It’s important to align your brands’ message on your Instagram, but remember it’s all about images so make sure your messages are tailored to visually representing your brand.


Being the second most visited site after Google, everyone should have a YouTube presence. Success on YouTube is not about posting videos, but rather about optimizing your videos. A few elements you should consider when using YouTube is keyword research, YouTube rankings, video title, video thumbnail, description, tags, links and that’s just naming a few.

Social media platforms offer an increased brand perception, improved brand loyalty, additional chances to convert, higher conversion rates and enhanced ranks in SERP. Overall if you want to boost your social media presence you need to optimize your social media profiles, regularly post social media updates, images or videos, build links by making your content sharable and definitely use Google +.


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