Sydney SEO Agency

Work with a Sydney SEO agency that can display real value from our SEO service. We provide measurable results, trackable activity reports that show real people with real activity.

SEO Sydney, Mink Media

A Sydney SEO agency with a difference

We work with many small business owners throughout Australia and understand the importance of knowing your business inside out. We customise every SEO strategy in line with your specific business goals to ensure that we are attracting the right audiences to your business and driving more inquiries to you. At Mink Media, we are not only your Sydney SEO consultants but your remote digital marketing arm of your business. We advise on your online traffic and can even provide conversion tracking to your offline media to ensure you are getting a return on your marketing dollars. To get started all we require is your website and a 45-minute session to discuss your next steps to grow your business presence online.

Why Choose Us As Your Sydney SEO agency?

Google states that up to 80% of searchers look for a product or service combined with a local suburb or city. You likely searched Sydney SEO agency and want to get found online through the power of search engine optimisation.

Understandably businesses from the Sydney Harbour Bridge to Penrith and the Shire in Sydney want to be found for SEO agency Sydney if they do what I do.. rank websites or more specifically pages of websites.

Naturally, ranking number one for SEO Sydney is my main focus as an agency in Sydney. If you are looking to get your business more inquiries from the power of the internet then you need expert SEO support from Mink Media.

As a growing business, I understand the importance of getting local traffic and customers to my website. Over 68% of clicks are given to the top 4 positions on the search results page, so it is important you speak to a team that knows whats required to get you there.

Let us show you the tried and tested process that we have developed to ensure that your business can outrank your competition for local searches. If your target is the city of Sydney just understand that more competitive terms for cities take more time based on the level of competition. We have a number of clients ranking for not only Sydney searches but general keywords Australia wide in industries as competitive as finance, roofing, house cleaning & dentists.

SEO Sydney, Mink Media

Our SEO Strategy

Our SEO strategy is proven and always evolving to ensure we maintain currency with Google algorithms.
This way we understand your business and the search terms you will likely require. We will also look at competitor sites for suggested keywords. For example SEO Sydney, Sydney SEO Agency or SEO Consultant Sydney. If you have an existing website, an audit will determine your current rankings, areas of improvement and give an indication of what level of competition exists within your industry online. Each month, reports are sent detailing keyword movement and updated audits of the website performance pulled from analytics and search console.
SEO Sydney, Mink Media
SEO Sydney, Mink Media
The most effective measurement of success for clients using an SEO provider is leads. We ensure that every event taken on your website is tracked, recorded and delivered to you each and every month. By leads we mean phone calls to your business, online form inquiries on your website and emails direct to your inbox wanting more information on your product and or service. If you have been in business long enough you will appreciate the costs of various digital marketing activities. Investment in SEO must be seen as a long-term investment. If you plan on being a local business for 5 or more years, then you will need to have a discussion with Mink Media about an effective strategy for your website. To get started simply fill out our inquiry form and one of our search engine optimization experts will be in touch with you within 24 hours.
Everyone uses search engines, users rely on them to answer questions, purchase online, or learn about certain products and services. If you are a local business, your customers are searching for reviews and directions close by. A customer may already know about your business, however, they will most likely type it into a search engine rather than the complete domain. You want to make sure your website is easy to find when customers are searching for it. SEO increases traffic to your site, if you provide quality content and have an easy to navigate website then Google will recognise this and reward you with a higher ranking.
  • A boost in awareness and traffic to the website
  • An increase in website sales
  • Potential customers will be exposed to your product or service
  • Ability to track results with data provided by Google Analytics and Search Console
  • A long term resolution that forms upon itself month on end

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

Considered the best Sydney SEO agency, we know just how to help you drive your page to the top of the search engine results page. Organic search is one of the greatest marketing strategies available to webmasters. Organic search results are sites listed on Google that matches closest to the user’s search query. Organic search results are completely free, and unlike paid ads on Google, you won’t be charged every time someone clicks on your website. It takes well-written content, a social media presence, link building strategies, and regular website maintenance to reach the top of the search engine results page for your specific keyword. Ranking your website organically is what SEO is all about.

Our SEO Activity Tracking App

& Transparency of Service

The Mink Media app was created to make SEO a tangible service that you can see, feel and trust.

No longer should SEO be seen to be a mysterious questionable activity. Any person in the world of SEO would agree that one of the frustrations of working as an SEO provider is not being able to clearly show value to the client until actual leads are delivered, which takes time as we all know. Vice versa clients want to know where their hard-earned dollars are going each month and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Mink Media brings together a number of elements and people into one harmonious process. With so many people working collectively with differing skill sets it is important to understand what the common goal is that we are looking to achieve. Our Mink Media app ensures no stone is left unturned and we know exactly how each person and each action has contributed to the end goal. That goal being a high ranking website that is delivering real leads. Below are the various elements we offer from our app.

SEO Sydney, Mink Media

Activities You Can See

The aim of having our Mink Media application is to give as much visibility to all stakeholders to ensure the original strategy is delivered. This means that it is imperative that we highlight the initial strategy documents to all parties that include site structure docs, keyword strategy, competitor analysis and all on and off page actions to achieve the common goal of delivering real leads to the business. The main objective of Mink Media app is to provide a communication tool between the SEO team, account manager and client.

Transparency of strategy

The activity reports track all work completed by each individual, the time the job was actioned and a screenshot of the task complete. Never before could you feel as though you literally can look over your SEO teams shoulder and see the work being done for you. Mink Media provides a communication and strategy report that does not just deliver work complete but highlights that real people collectively contribute to every component.

Reports You Can Feel

Our reports are completely customizable depending on the process and strategy being implemented. At Mink Media we understand the importance of keyword ranking reports so we took it a step further and provide you Google search and BING ranking data so you get a true feel of how your keywords a tracking. As the market becomes more segmented and users choose other search methods such as GMB traffic and Youtube we will display this search traffic for you as well.

One Common Goal

Our app allows us to stay up to date on what everyone is doing at any time. Each working towards one common goal, where we provide the following benefits:

1 Track 1 Goal – All parties work toward a common goal

Track Activity – Clients get visibility on real work completed monthly

Test & Track – By implementing a process we can test and track performance

Build Trust – By knowing your business you can trust we know your goals

100% Commitment to service

Our clients are the most important part of our business, that’s why we ensure we deliver nothing but exceptional quality with each activity. Providing a clear strategy, process, and execution toward the end goal. Content writers deliver fresh information on your business to sell the benefits of your brand. SEO consultants run audits and improve on page website performance and web developers manage the site health and work on the user experience of the website.

SEO Sydney, Mink Media

SEO Services in Sydney

Baseline Performance – Critical factors for website performance

Prior to starting a campaign, there are a few aspects worth tracking to understand the status of a website before an active campaign is implemented. This will create a baseline you can work from, giving you the right data to support the outcomes of your work. This also provides clients clarity on what is working for their website and the quality of traffic that is being delivered to their website.

A baseline report is one of the most significant aspects to be completed before establishing a strategy. It allows you to track and measure your progress from the initial stage all the way to its current stage. The more evident improvements on your website become, the more successful your SEO strategy is. Baseline performance is the ideal way to display the success of our strategy from the beginning.

In order to gauge the current performance of a customers website. We perform a baseline analysis that highlights key factors that are critical to a sites online performance. By consistently measuring a baseline we can establish the current state of affairs and measure the impact of our services from the date of the baseline report. The initial baseline document establishes fundamental areas that we need to prioritise in order to compete with identified competitor websites.

Initially, a baseline performance involves generating a report to show the current status of your websites online presence. The onsite elements are often determined by critical ranking factors such as site speed, the security of the site, it’s structure and content strategy being adopted on internal pages. Some examples of measuring the performance of a site is by reviewing existing Google analytics data. This will indicate what pages are gaining the most traffic compared to those which are receiving none. By establishing fundamental errors on a site, by a process of cancellation, we can start to identify why certain pages are achieving traffic and others are not. Whether the site structure has been set out poorly or we have a case of keyword cannibalisation whereby internal pages are competing for the same search query. By using our strategic approach we can quickly identify and improve website performance.

SEO Sydney, Mink Media

It takes time to build a great website, writing quality and shareable content, the process of backlinks, maintaining a site structure and building creditability. There are numerous factors affecting your website’s ranking, and finding these out is a lot of work as Google’s algorithm is consistently changing to catch those who are manipulating their search engine. As a Sydney SEO Agency, we take the time to ensure that your search engine ranking results are legitimate.

There are two main functions of an SEO agency for your website. The first is to organise your website so that it makes sense from a users perspective and so the Google bots can crawl your site in a logical format. The second function is building trust which is your off page SEO strategy. By remaining consistent with your NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) you are making it easier for search engines to identify what your business name is, where you are and what services or products you wish to be seen relevant for.

A logical website menu and page structure make items, services, locations and contact details more easily found for the user. We make sure your website is easy for the user to engage with and Google to crawl important pages of your website. We assess the titles, Meta and tags to ensure a clear hierarchy exists between pages. This is the primary SEO strategy we implement as this will reflect the core services any business wants to promote.

If your website is gaining traffic and no calls it may be that your site content and headings are not how users are searching for you. We analyse your sites keyword strategy and make necessary changes to engage the right audience. No one searches the same way every time, so it is imperative that we appear relevant to those queries which will drive more inquiries. Local searches with a service/ product and concatenated suburb drive 80% of searches and are more likely to get a lead as the searcher is more educated on their requirements. This is part of the buyer funnel, whereby users will proceed from consideration to education through to purchase phase as they start to understand what they want and the options available to them.

The strategy of Search engine optimisation provides a great source of information to target all search queries and engage buyers through this purchase funnel to ensure that your product is top of mind. Unlike Google ads where it is better served to have targeted buyer intent keywords as you are buying that click for an immediate return on investment.

There is no such thing as one ranking report. Users search on multiple devices and many ways across multiple search engines. The search result page includes Youtube, Google My Business and many other constantly changing ranking elements.

It is important to understand that the Sear engine results Page (SERP) is forever changing and that SEO is not simply the top search result organically. An SEO agency that understands search results would advise the importance of Google My Business listings that take a significant portion of the SERP. A well optimised GMB page will drive a large portion of search traffic so it is imperative that you optimise your GMB as you would your onpage SEO activity.

Google Maps, Google My Business, Google Plus, etc. are all under Google, therefore it is extremely important that you are optimising these tools. Local listings are highly valuable to any business when offering a product or service locally. It is predominantly more beneficial for small local businesses and entrepreneurs as it gives the user the exact details about where your business is located and what time the business operates. Aiming for a decent rank in Google Maps is a great way to increase the visibility of your site in the search engine results page, offering improved local interest.

A site that has an active SSL will ensure the safety of user details on the site. It is also important to maintain plugins, themes and anything that can jeopardise the security of the site from hackers. A secure site ensures users feel comfortable making payments online or submitting personal details that can not jeopardise their personal security. There are a number of actions you can take to reduce spam and ensure that your website only delivers quality inquiries.
Load times and Page speed can greatly impact rankings and user experience. Nobody likes a website that loads slowly. There are many tools that can assess Establishing an initial assessment of how your site is performing is what you need for a competitive edge. Without a baseline to work from, you are unable to establish what improvement your SEO company has achieved with your site since the starting point of working with them. It is also important to mention that sometimes you need to go backward in order to go forward. All too often we simply clients that only rank for a small amount of inquiries at the top of SERP’s. When homepages are the only source of high rankings across multiple keywords it may be likely that your internal pages are not structured so that they show for specific searches. In fact internal pages should be addressing individual search queries and the homepage should really only be your core target are you wish to rank for. For example, our core business is Digital agency which includes a lot of smaller services such as SEO, Google Ads, Web development and Social media ads. We also target multiple locations so the structure and focus of each page is critical to our success.

Content Strategy is an essential part of SEO, making up 57% of the most effective SEO tactics marketers rely on when ranking your website. A successful digital marketing campaign includes valuable, applicable and thorough content deeply connect with its audience.

A quality content strategy will involve relevant blog posts, various topic areas, infographics, videos and a considerable amount of information on the subject matter! The main goal of good content is to be a trusted source of information for your industry. The main purpose of creating quality content is to improve the search engine results page ranking for your specific keywords, grow your brand awareness and visibility and lastly create more traffic to your site from your targeted audience.

A Successful

Content Strategy

A comprehensive SEO content strategy will encompass the following stages:

Analyse Relevant Keywords & Topics

The first step requires in-depth research to understand the keyword search volume, competition/keyword difficulty and traffic expense.

Layering Content & Internal Links

This focuses on structuring your website so your audience and search engines can easily follow your site. By creating a hierarchy of pages users can easily find additional information on each product or service.

Link Ability & Recognising Opportunities

Establishing credible sites who link back to your website is important for your search engine ranking. Reaching out to others who post credible work is ideal for your sites linkability.


Existing Website Content Maintenance

A Content Strategy should always focus on ways to improve, deliver new and maintain attractive content to your audience. Don’t forget updating existing content is just as important as creating new content.

Top High-Performing Content

As content marketing is one of the most dominant and influential marketing strategies for any business, it is significantly important to put time and effort into creating quality content for your website. Deciding on the right type of content marketing to use to grow your business and boost your sales is imperative, and even though the types of content formats is endless

We have highlighted the top performing content marketing types below.


One of the greatest ways to increase organic traffic to your website and develop your SEO is through blog content. Websites with quality blog content are more likely to rank on the first page of search engines when online users search for your specific keyword. Blog content is a perfect choice to achieve value through short form content. It’s also a great way for your business to build personal relationships with your current and potential customers.

Blogs are a great way to add authority and depth to your website. They might not be the page you want your visitors to see first, however, blogs are ideal for users who are searching a specific topic, waiting for the right user to visit. Blog posts can be more personal, they are an easy way to target specific how-tos, DIY’s or showcase a personal experience related to your product or service. We make sure the topics and questions users are searching for are being targeted in your blogs. Blog posts are a good way to incorporate a local context on your website.

Video Content

Videos are the most engaging form of content. It draws the audience in and holds their attention. Videos offer an opportunity for businesses to educate customers on their service or product and are a great opportunity to display expertise in your industry to potential clisnts. Creating an informative video with facts and statistics are a great way to engage consumers in the awareness stage. On the other hand demonstration or DIY videos are ideal for consumers who are already in the stage of making a final decision.

consumers believe real-life experiences’ are more valuable and trustworthy. A customer story can help explain how your service or product has added value to their lives. Case Studies are extremely valuable and generally will assist your business in building trust with new buyers.



Some consumers prefer to see infographics due to the useful information they can comprehend quickly. This form of content enables you to quickly summarise your message to your audience who are time poor. The more concise the information is and the more appealing the visuals are will result in a pleasant experience for visitors on your site.

Case Studies

Case Studies are one of the most important digital marketing strategies, as consumers believe real-life experiences’ are more valuable and trustworthy. A customer story can help explain how your service or product has added value to their lives. Case Studies are extremely valuable and generally will assist your business in building trust with new buyers.

Competitor Analysis Driven Content

When creating a baseline it’s important to recognise your client’s current competitors. Understanding how your competitors are performing, what they’re doing well, and what they’re not doing well will allow you to figure out where your website stands amongst them. Take note of where they are ranking and for what keyword. We review content strategy, search traffic, backlink success and site structure of competitor sites and adopt any successful tactics taken.

Why is Content so Important?

From driving organic traffic to earning backlinks, well-written content establishes your website as a trusted source of information. Contents should always be written to added value to a user reading about it. This is achieved by being topical, accurate, helpful and easy to interpret. Websites are ranked in order of how useful they are and how relevant the content is for the user searching a specific keyword. Therefore, to be ranked on the first page, your website content will require any SEO value, in order to be favorable for users.

In simple terms, quality content will be rewarded with convincing search engine result page placing as well as receive higher click-through rates. When you have easy to read and structured content, you increase the potential SEO value of your website and improve user experience as well.

SEO Sydney, Mink Media

Contacting an SEO consultant in Sydney

If you are a local business or provide a service from home perhaps then we are more than happy to come to you to go through an audit of your website, review your business goals and prepare a custom SEO campaign for you. Most large agencies send out an SEO Specialist to sell you on an SEO package, then pass your details to an account manager and then kindly get the work all complete overseas by a person who has never spoken to you and listened to your business goals. In my opinion, that is unacceptable and the truth is they end up playing Chinese whispers trying to work out what the original agreement and strategy were with the salesperson.